Privacy notice and how I use your information.

I collect your name, date of birth, address, doctors address, your email and phone number. These are all collected through the contract. I have this information in order to keep you safe, if I were to believe that you or someone else were at risk of harm then I would need to contact either your doctors or the emergency services. This is something we go into in our first session when talking about confidentiality. Having your phone and email details are so we can have the sessions. Emails and phone numbers will be deleted from the business phone call and my emails after our last session. This work phone is locked with a face ID and a draw unlock pattern. All other information is securely deleted after 5 years in accordance with my insurance company’s requirements. I am insured with Holistic Insurance. All of my information I collect on someone is kept on a keypad locked secure hard drive.

When we make the agreement to work together I use Docusign to email you the contract. This is then downloaded once signed from both of us, and stored in your file on my secure hard drive. I also type up notes on each session as a reminder to the things we have discussed. This is also saved onto the secure hard drive.